magic in the woods

Hail found after a storm.

"Finding magic in the woods is about simple abundance. Noticing the nuances that occur in our everyday lives that bring restoration and hope. "

"I found magic, mama," my sweet baby boy says to me one day. 

"Tell me about it," I say and this is just one of the ways magic comes into our every day lives, a child's wonder piqued by some natural occurrence, that we, as adults would miss because we are so hellbent on scheduling every single second of our lives in order that we are productive in some way to society. I've not always been so curious, nor have I always had the luxury of sitting under a rainbow sunset, sipping lemonade in our family's pool at twilight, but I have had moments within struggles and pain that I've seen a glimmer of something, perhaps hope, on the horizon. I still look for the magic in the depths of the dark wood. We are sentient beings. We desire emotional support. Our souls call out for beauty. Whether it be a painting, poetry, or some other art form, we need to feel. We need spiritual fulfillment. We need to hope, to catch glimmers of something that otherwise can't be explained by our human minds. Finding magic in the woods is about simple abundance and noticing the nuances that occur in our everyday lives that bring restoration and hope. It is an opportunity to see the good in otherwise mundane activities. It is an appreciation of life and the realization that this is our moment to experience all the beauty our soul craves, in living an ever present life full of wonder and well ... magic.  

Come along if you'd like.